
Today my mom, Lyna', is going to be a guest blogger. Please welcome her!

Well, I must begin by informing all who read this that I am definitely a novice blogger - actually, I haven't reached novice level yet since this is a first for me. As you can tell from Caroline's blog, our family is in Spain and we are having a wonderful time. We've been here almost two weeks and I do believe our confused American faces are becoming a little less conspicuous. The city is very large and spread out, but we've pretty well mastered the major areas, the metro, and yes, even grocery shopping.

Since Caroline has titled her blog "I've been thinking", and since I am her "guest blogger", I will go with that theme...

I've been thinking:

1) I will add living in a foreign country for a few months (only) to my bucket list.
2) God has created an amazing world - we are so fortunate to get to see this part of it.
3) Making family vacation memories like these are priceless.
4) I love America - even more from across the Atlantic.
5) I will miss Caroline while she is studying abroad, but I am very thankful for her to have this opportunity.

Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we travel as we are doing for all of you at home. Also, please keep in touch with Caroline over the next few months so she will have a little bit of home here with her in Spain.


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