
My first real weekend in Barcelona.

This weekend was my first one in Barcelona without my parents. We didn't have class Thursday or Friday (never on Friday!), so it was a very very long weekend. Like I said before, nothing was open Thursday due to the holiday. We tried to get to IKEA again on Friday, but several things happened and I ended up spending the afternoon with a fellow exchange student in La Placa Catalunya. Friday was also the day that I discovered the restaurant across the street. I honestly had never even seen it until Friday, but they have THE BEST chicken and tomato paste sandwich. I don't even like tomatoes, but I could eat this stuff at every meal. From what I hear you grate tomoatoes, throw in some olive oil, add salt, and you're done! Seems easy enough. I will be eating at this place more often.

Yesterday, we finally got to IKEA, and it was glorious! There were about 29,384,302,975 people there, so that stole a little of my joy. We found almost everything we were looking for for only $45! I don't know if that sounds like a lot or a little to you, but these were our purchses:
2 rugs
1 skillet
3pc. pot set
17pc. (!) tupperware set (I guess it's not technically tupperware since it's IKEA brand. You may ask, "Why 17 pieces?" Well, it was the cheapest, duh.)
1 fitted sheet
1 toilet brush
4 dish towels
1 casserole dish
2 paper bags to carry it all home in

I think that's pretty good!

Oh the joy of IKEA. I hope that you all can experience it in your lifetime.

1 comment:

  1. Hey - don't go too crazy at IKEA. By the way, are you practicing your flamenco dancing? Dad and I are practicing our "flamenco singing" so that we can accompany you.

    Caroline, the videos are strange...I realize there aren't any english speaking TV shows in Barcelona, but honey you should probably try to find some other entertainment.

    I love you.
