
Sorry for the delay.

Hello family and friends! I'm sorry that I haven't posted anything lately. I've thought about it, but we've been busy and that means that I've been to lazy to write anything at night. I have a feeling that this might be heavy on the pictures, but that's okay. I think you'll enjoy that more anyway :) We've visited Montjuic, Sitges, Montserrat, the Torres winery, and various other places since you last heard from us. Everything is still as beautiful and exciting as it was when arrived.
Now to some pictures...

We saw this on our bus tour... there's no escape!!!

This is part of one facade of La Sagrada Familia. It's the minimalist side, and the newer side.

This is only part of the inside of the temple. Apparently the design is supposed to mimic the bones of an animal carcass. You can only walk through about half of it, because they are still building. There's so much scaffolding on the other side that you couldn't see through it!

This is the older facade of La Sagrada Familia. I don't have a good picture of it in daylight, but I think I would still like this one more. It is so so detailed! And it reminds Dad and I of those drippy sandcastles that you make at the beach.

Yesterday we visited Montserrat and the monastery there. I know this doesn't show much, but I don't think it would be possible to capture the whole thing unless I was in a helicopter. It covers the entire mountain and has many different areas. We had the chance to listen to the choir boys sing, and I'm pretty sure it was as close as you can get to what heaven will sound like! I really want to upload the video tomorrow. Please chastise me if I don't get this done.

It was tough, but someone had to do it!

(INTERJECTION: I'm watching the beginning of the Republican National Convention. Am I the only one that is not enjoying this rendition of "America the Beautiful?" Does that make me un-American, Joel?)

That's all I have for photos right now. I put this off and now it's after 1 AM! I promise I will try to do better tomorrow :)

Now for my observations (As you can probably tell, this will become a regular thing):
1. I will never get used to people of Asian descent speaking Catalan as their first language. It's just weird to me!
2. Spanish people are very affectionate. Overly affectionate. So far it hasn't bothered me, but today when I was packed in the hot metro with a migraine and surrounded by couples making out I wanted to kick them all in the pancreas. PDA like that is just gross. Is it too hard to just hold hands?
3. Even the English channels on Spanish TV stink. I've watched more CNN this week than I have all year.
4. Travel guides are WRONG about Spanish attire. They all say that the women dress smartly and modestly. They are all full of lies. Especially about the modesty thing. The 4 Bs are not hidden here!
5. I know already that I'm really going to miss Alabama. I think about it often.

I'm not going to stay up for 3 more hours to hear Sarah Palin's speech. I'm very interested in what she has to say though. I think we can all agree that McCain trumped Obama by picking her! If you watch, please let me know how it goes! I love you all !

1 comment:

  1. Hey..i have been posting about the speeches lately. I just put up some stuff on Palin (JUST FOR YOU)!! Hope all is well in SPAIN!!
