
I'm still here...

Hi loved ones. Sorry for the lack of entertaining updates lately. Until last night nothing very exciting has happened. The Merce festival started yesterday, and I've attended 2 of the events. They were fun and I will write more about them later (with pictures!) However, Spain has caught up with me and I think my body is rejecting itself. When I get more energy I'll load the pictures from my camera. Until then, I'll leave you with some that other people have taken... it's much easier :)

(L-R) Marina, Christina, Aleksandra, Severina, Cheng, Chenell, Porschia, and I at a "back-to-school" barbecue at the school.

Ok, so I got talked into going to a club. I say "talked into" because 1) this white girl can't dance and 2) I like to go to bed earlier than 6 AM. We left around 3, but here people don't even start going out until 2. I'm too old for this. What happened to dinner and a movie? Anyway, this is Anna (roommate), Porschia, and I at _______. I cared so little that I don't actually remember the name of it. I do know it was on Lincoln though.

I'm going to go drink some tea and coax my joints into working properly again. Hasta luego!


  1. Your roommate looks like she would be a high-spirited fun girl to be around...unless you like to go bed early :). Thanks for posting all this..i love to see what's going on on the other side of the world!

  2. Good thing you were recently trained in the "art" of clubbing...haha.
