
Newborn Necessities

Now that we've made it through the first 10 weeks with success, I thought I would share the things that have made life a little easier.  Every child is different, and billions of children have survived and thrived without these items, but we're glad that we have them, nonetheless.

Nap Nanny - We first used the Nap Nanny when we came home because Ada was still having a hard time with choking on all of those fluids from birth.  It worked, so we continued to use it for the next 7 weeks.  It's basically like a large baby recliner.  I kind of wish they made these in adult sizes.  We haven't really used it since Ada started sleeping in the crib, but it was invaluable for those first few weeks.  And life is constantly changing with a baby, so we may need to bring it out again in the near future.

(I must note, earlier models have been recalled due to suffocation/entrapment hazards.  We have a newer model.  As with all baby products, please exercise caution and good judgement when using this.)

Activity Gym - Ada isn't a fan of baby holding contraptions.  No swings or bouncy seats for her.  However, she would lay on the floor for much longer than she would last in any of those things.  I felt like she should have something to stimulate her mind while she laid there, so I decided to try a friend's activity gym.  She loves it!

Wet Bag/pail liner - We use cloth diapers and love them (that's another post), but I'll never ever love touching old dirty diapers.  With these, I never have to touch a diaper once it comes off her booty.  We just turn the bag inside out, flipping the diapers in the washer at the same time, throw the bag in, and wash away.  Easy peasy.  I got mine from Amazon because I'm picky about colors.  Otherwise I would have bought them from Green Mountain Diapers, my favorite diaper resource.

Video Monitor - We did not want a monitor that would make me even more anxious and neurotic than I already am (I'm looking at you, Angelcare!), but we knew we wanted a video monitor.  The one we chose is highly rated and so easy to use!  And I know it will be even more useful once she starts moving around in the crib.

Hanging toys - Ada has already shown a preference in particular for the Infantino Tag Along Chimes.  We have one hanging over her changing pad (which she also loves), and one that we move between her activity gym and car seat.  She tries her best to grab them, though her fists are still clenched tight most of the time.  Bonus:  they jingle, but the sound isn't annoying like some baby toys.

Mam pacis - Ada usually only takes a paci when she's falling asleep and not hungry, but like all newborns she has a need to suck on something... sometimes more than others.  I needed a little break from that, so we introduced a paci.  She often acts like we're giving her poison if we try any other kind but Mam.  I think she likes them because they are shorter than other pacis.

Miracle Blanket - The holy grail of swaddles.  Ada was breaking out of every other kind of swaddle after 2 weeks.  These are wonderful.  In fact, I'm telling all of my preggo friends to not waste any time with other swaddles.  They are inferior.  The key to the Miracle Blanket is that keeping the arms still (the main point of swaddling) is not dependent on how tightly or loosely you wrap it.  Baby's own weight keeps the arms in place.

Baby Connect - Life in those first few weeks is crazy.  On top of the recovery, visitors, sleep deprivation, etc., you've still got to make sure your baby is eating frequently enough, pooping and peeing enough, sleeping... and on and on.  The Baby Connect app tracks all of that for you and is super customizable.  We don't track Ada's diapers anymore, but we still use it to track feedings, sleep, and info from doctor's appointments.

mOmma bottles - This is the second bottle we tried, but the one we're sticking with.  You have no problems eating from this, which means Mommy gets a little break :)

Electric pump - I thought that because I was staying at home with Ada that I wouldn't need more than a manual pump.  Boy was I wrong!  I broke down after six weeks and bought a single electric pump (Medela Swing) that has changed my life.  I don't dread pumping any more, and I'm able to pump enough for at least 2 extra bottles a day.  That never happened with the manual pump.  Imagine how much I could freeze if I had an even better pump!  Though, I am still glad I have the manual one because I can just throw it into a bag to use on the go if I need to.

Boppy - Everyone knows what a Boppy is!  This is another item that I broke down and bought around six weeks into motherhood.  A friend generously loaned us her My Brest Friend, so I didn't think we had a need for another nursing pillow.  The Boppy is multipurpose though!  We were having to keep her upright for at least 30 minutes after every feeding, and nothing was getting done.  So, we started propping her up on it.  And we use it for tummy time.  And it's great for nursing anywhere.  And I'm sure we'll use it when she starts sitting up, too.  Multipurpose... that's what I like in an item.

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