
Month 2

Dear Sweet Ada,

You actually turned two months old over a week ago ago, but the days have been a bit crazy.  Being a few days late on this certainly doesn't mean I love you any less.  You have changed so much in the past four weeks.  Your little personality has come out quite a bit.  You are so happy and smile so much.  You're still a bit shy around strangers, but after a bit of convincing you will welcome them with a big gummy smile.  Music makes you so happy, and you always perk up when you hear Daddy singing Baby Beluga or You Are My Sunshine.  In the past week you've started to sing (coo) along with him.  Little girl, your daddy and I are so in love with you and are so glad you are a part of us.  You fit so perfectly into our little family.


Firsts:  You celebrated your first real holiday (and Mommy's favorite holiday) on July 4th.  You survived your first major weather event (x2!) on June 23rd and June 30th.  We lost power both weekends, but luckily we have great friends that let us camp out with them until it was restored.  You also got your first vaccines.  You cried less than 10 seconds!  You're so brave, little girl!  

Milestones:  Social smiling and cooing started at six weeks and has only gotten more frequent!  You also started noticing your hands and feet and reaching for the toys on your activity gym.  (Acutally, you just bat at them because your reflexes still keep your hands in tight fists most of the time.)

Measurements:  You grew so much during your six week growth spurt!  At your two month appointment you weighed 10 lbs 12oz and measured 23 in long.

Favorite toys:  You love your activity gym and all of the toys that hang from it!

Like Mommy:  More people are saying that you look like me, but I still think you have a little more of your daddy in you.  Our eyes are similar though.  And you're still a great sleeper!

Like Daddy:  You love music, and you definitely have Daddy's dimples.

Food:  According to our records, you eat 8-10 times a day.  You're still nursing on demand, so the numbers vary.  Since your growth spurt at six weeks, you've started nursing longer but a little less frequently.  Now instead of every 1.5 hours, you usually wait 2-2.5 hours between meals.  You have no problems eating from your bottle and usually eat 3-5 ounces.

Sleep:  The Lord has been very kind to give us a baby that sleeps so well at night!  This month you moved from the Pack and Play in our room to your crib, and the transition was seamless!  You usually go to bed between 8-9. Starting on July 4, you have been sleeping at least eight hours, waking up for a snack, then sleeping for at least another two hours.  You still don't love napping in your crib, but you will happily sleep for hours in someone's arms.  

Challenges:  Naps.  I struggle with balancing naps and productivity.  You struggle with taking a nap at all.  I don't blame you... There's a lot around you for your little mind to take in!  I know you need to nap and I need to help you get into a routine, but sometimes we just have very busy weeks that throw off any progress that may have been made.  Luckily, you sleep well in your carseat and in the sling while we're out and about.

Our Days:  Our days are still unpredictable.  I try to get us out of the house at least once a day, even if it's just to stroll around the block.  I've found that I'm a better wife and mommy when we leave the house, and you don't seem to mind a change of scenery :)

Favorite Events:  Aunt Lu came to stay with us for a week, and you loved the constant attention!

Mommy's Favorite:  Wake-up smiles!  You give me the biggest smiles when I come to get you in the mornings and after naps.

Daddy's Favorite:  Daddy also says your smiles are his favorite.  We just can't get enough of them!

Upcoming Events:  We're hosting a baby shower for Ben, Catey, and your friend Cooper.  This will be the first large gathering at our house since you've been born.  


You love tummy time!

Daddy's first Father's Day

Happy 4th of July!

A happy baby with your activity gym.     

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