
Take Me There

L-R: Marlene, me, Tammy, Diane, Laura

This is a picture of some of the most precious ladies in my life.  For two years we shared, laughed, and cried together as we met as a married small group.  Those two years brought lots of dessert, several new babies, and a lot of heartache.  Two years and a few months later we're facing the biggest heartache of all.  Marlene (to my left), today left to be with the Lord.  Marlene and her husband led our group with great skill and humility even while fighting the cancer that was slowly taking Marlene's life.  I am so thankful for the gift of knowing this wonderful woman.  I am thankful that Mark and Marlene allowed us to have an intimate look into their lives as spouses, parents, and believers.  I'm am certain that the Lord was exceedingly kind in allowing me to see Marlene love Mark and their three sons.  Her example and encouragement has helped me to be a better wife and mother than I would be otherwise.

Marlene's greatest legacy, though, is in her love for the Lord.  In the midst of great pain and sorrow, when she would have every reason to pity herself, her eyes were turned to the Lord.  She was always quick to encourage, rebuke, and share a few jokes along the way.  This is a woman who truly believed and embraced, "Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?"  Today is bittersweet for those of us who knew Marlene and know the Lord.  So, while we grieve, we can also take comfort in knowing that all life and death is in His hands, and no mistake has he ever made with either of them.     


Newborn Necessities

Now that we've made it through the first 10 weeks with success, I thought I would share the things that have made life a little easier.  Every child is different, and billions of children have survived and thrived without these items, but we're glad that we have them, nonetheless.

Nap Nanny - We first used the Nap Nanny when we came home because Ada was still having a hard time with choking on all of those fluids from birth.  It worked, so we continued to use it for the next 7 weeks.  It's basically like a large baby recliner.  I kind of wish they made these in adult sizes.  We haven't really used it since Ada started sleeping in the crib, but it was invaluable for those first few weeks.  And life is constantly changing with a baby, so we may need to bring it out again in the near future.

(I must note, earlier models have been recalled due to suffocation/entrapment hazards.  We have a newer model.  As with all baby products, please exercise caution and good judgement when using this.)

Activity Gym - Ada isn't a fan of baby holding contraptions.  No swings or bouncy seats for her.  However, she would lay on the floor for much longer than she would last in any of those things.  I felt like she should have something to stimulate her mind while she laid there, so I decided to try a friend's activity gym.  She loves it!

Wet Bag/pail liner - We use cloth diapers and love them (that's another post), but I'll never ever love touching old dirty diapers.  With these, I never have to touch a diaper once it comes off her booty.  We just turn the bag inside out, flipping the diapers in the washer at the same time, throw the bag in, and wash away.  Easy peasy.  I got mine from Amazon because I'm picky about colors.  Otherwise I would have bought them from Green Mountain Diapers, my favorite diaper resource.

Video Monitor - We did not want a monitor that would make me even more anxious and neurotic than I already am (I'm looking at you, Angelcare!), but we knew we wanted a video monitor.  The one we chose is highly rated and so easy to use!  And I know it will be even more useful once she starts moving around in the crib.

Hanging toys - Ada has already shown a preference in particular for the Infantino Tag Along Chimes.  We have one hanging over her changing pad (which she also loves), and one that we move between her activity gym and car seat.  She tries her best to grab them, though her fists are still clenched tight most of the time.  Bonus:  they jingle, but the sound isn't annoying like some baby toys.

Mam pacis - Ada usually only takes a paci when she's falling asleep and not hungry, but like all newborns she has a need to suck on something... sometimes more than others.  I needed a little break from that, so we introduced a paci.  She often acts like we're giving her poison if we try any other kind but Mam.  I think she likes them because they are shorter than other pacis.

Miracle Blanket - The holy grail of swaddles.  Ada was breaking out of every other kind of swaddle after 2 weeks.  These are wonderful.  In fact, I'm telling all of my preggo friends to not waste any time with other swaddles.  They are inferior.  The key to the Miracle Blanket is that keeping the arms still (the main point of swaddling) is not dependent on how tightly or loosely you wrap it.  Baby's own weight keeps the arms in place.

Baby Connect - Life in those first few weeks is crazy.  On top of the recovery, visitors, sleep deprivation, etc., you've still got to make sure your baby is eating frequently enough, pooping and peeing enough, sleeping... and on and on.  The Baby Connect app tracks all of that for you and is super customizable.  We don't track Ada's diapers anymore, but we still use it to track feedings, sleep, and info from doctor's appointments.

mOmma bottles - This is the second bottle we tried, but the one we're sticking with.  You have no problems eating from this, which means Mommy gets a little break :)

Electric pump - I thought that because I was staying at home with Ada that I wouldn't need more than a manual pump.  Boy was I wrong!  I broke down after six weeks and bought a single electric pump (Medela Swing) that has changed my life.  I don't dread pumping any more, and I'm able to pump enough for at least 2 extra bottles a day.  That never happened with the manual pump.  Imagine how much I could freeze if I had an even better pump!  Though, I am still glad I have the manual one because I can just throw it into a bag to use on the go if I need to.

Boppy - Everyone knows what a Boppy is!  This is another item that I broke down and bought around six weeks into motherhood.  A friend generously loaned us her My Brest Friend, so I didn't think we had a need for another nursing pillow.  The Boppy is multipurpose though!  We were having to keep her upright for at least 30 minutes after every feeding, and nothing was getting done.  So, we started propping her up on it.  And we use it for tummy time.  And it's great for nursing anywhere.  And I'm sure we'll use it when she starts sitting up, too.  Multipurpose... that's what I like in an item.


Month 2

Dear Sweet Ada,

You actually turned two months old over a week ago ago, but the days have been a bit crazy.  Being a few days late on this certainly doesn't mean I love you any less.  You have changed so much in the past four weeks.  Your little personality has come out quite a bit.  You are so happy and smile so much.  You're still a bit shy around strangers, but after a bit of convincing you will welcome them with a big gummy smile.  Music makes you so happy, and you always perk up when you hear Daddy singing Baby Beluga or You Are My Sunshine.  In the past week you've started to sing (coo) along with him.  Little girl, your daddy and I are so in love with you and are so glad you are a part of us.  You fit so perfectly into our little family.


Firsts:  You celebrated your first real holiday (and Mommy's favorite holiday) on July 4th.  You survived your first major weather event (x2!) on June 23rd and June 30th.  We lost power both weekends, but luckily we have great friends that let us camp out with them until it was restored.  You also got your first vaccines.  You cried less than 10 seconds!  You're so brave, little girl!  

Milestones:  Social smiling and cooing started at six weeks and has only gotten more frequent!  You also started noticing your hands and feet and reaching for the toys on your activity gym.  (Acutally, you just bat at them because your reflexes still keep your hands in tight fists most of the time.)

Measurements:  You grew so much during your six week growth spurt!  At your two month appointment you weighed 10 lbs 12oz and measured 23 in long.

Favorite toys:  You love your activity gym and all of the toys that hang from it!

Like Mommy:  More people are saying that you look like me, but I still think you have a little more of your daddy in you.  Our eyes are similar though.  And you're still a great sleeper!

Like Daddy:  You love music, and you definitely have Daddy's dimples.

Food:  According to our records, you eat 8-10 times a day.  You're still nursing on demand, so the numbers vary.  Since your growth spurt at six weeks, you've started nursing longer but a little less frequently.  Now instead of every 1.5 hours, you usually wait 2-2.5 hours between meals.  You have no problems eating from your bottle and usually eat 3-5 ounces.

Sleep:  The Lord has been very kind to give us a baby that sleeps so well at night!  This month you moved from the Pack and Play in our room to your crib, and the transition was seamless!  You usually go to bed between 8-9. Starting on July 4, you have been sleeping at least eight hours, waking up for a snack, then sleeping for at least another two hours.  You still don't love napping in your crib, but you will happily sleep for hours in someone's arms.  

Challenges:  Naps.  I struggle with balancing naps and productivity.  You struggle with taking a nap at all.  I don't blame you... There's a lot around you for your little mind to take in!  I know you need to nap and I need to help you get into a routine, but sometimes we just have very busy weeks that throw off any progress that may have been made.  Luckily, you sleep well in your carseat and in the sling while we're out and about.

Our Days:  Our days are still unpredictable.  I try to get us out of the house at least once a day, even if it's just to stroll around the block.  I've found that I'm a better wife and mommy when we leave the house, and you don't seem to mind a change of scenery :)

Favorite Events:  Aunt Lu came to stay with us for a week, and you loved the constant attention!

Mommy's Favorite:  Wake-up smiles!  You give me the biggest smiles when I come to get you in the mornings and after naps.

Daddy's Favorite:  Daddy also says your smiles are his favorite.  We just can't get enough of them!

Upcoming Events:  We're hosting a baby shower for Ben, Catey, and your friend Cooper.  This will be the first large gathering at our house since you've been born.  


You love tummy time!

Daddy's first Father's Day

Happy 4th of July!

A happy baby with your activity gym.     


1st 4th.

Wednesday was Ada's first real holiday (I don't really think Memorial Day counts), and it just so happened that it was my favorite holiday:  Independence Day!  I love other holidays as well, but I really enjoy celebrating the 4th because it's so low-key.  There's no pressure to have things perfect.  This year that was especially true because it's just to hard to make big plans when the holiday falls in the middle of a work week.  So, with Aunt Lu in tow, we spent a little time at the Cheverly pool (please let us be members next summer!) and had an impromptu and very informal cookout and firework watching (on TV) at our house with some friends.  It was certainly seemed much less celebratory than Independence Days of the past, but then again, everything is more fun with Ada around :)