
Oh the fun...

After Friday's classes, Lucinda and I headed down to Mobile for a bachelorette party. The bride, Krista, is a longtime friend, and we, along with another longtime friend, are bridesmaids in the wedding. We reserved a room at the recently renovated Riverview Hotel (formerly the Adam's Mark), and prepared for an evening in downtown Mobile. I don't think I need to say this, but I don't spend much of my time in bars, much less the ones in downtown Mobile. I think it's okay to say that neither Lu nor I participate in the same activities as the other two. I didn't really know what I was in for, but it really ended up being kind of fun. I really just wanted to share some of our conversations with you, but I have to set the scene for each one.

I must interject: The Riverview is fantastic now! If you ever stayed in the Adam's Mark and witnessed the grossness of that, you will be completely surprised. I'm not sure why I ever stayed in the Adam's Mark considering I grew up about an hour away, but I did... and it was disgusting. Back to the story.

We started of the night opening up the basket another bridesmaid's mom made for Krista. I think details would be inappropriate for this blog. After dinner we hit the streets in our matching red and white bridesmaid's tank tops, and Krista in her veil and sash :) It was cute, let me tell you. Our first stop was Grand Central. This is only the 2nd bar that I had visited and I'm pretty sure it was Lu's first.

After they got their drinks and we all sat down we were immediately approached by Steve Alexander. He's a newanchor/weatherman/i have no clue for WKRG. Apparently Krista and Steve know each other from being at several other bars together. I'm pretty sure he's homosexual because there were a lot of meow sounds and clawing motions. He would do that with everything that he thought was so fantastic. For example:
Steve: Krista, what are you doing here?
Krista: We're here for my bachelorette party.
Steve: Oh, Krista, you're going to be a beautiful bride! Meow!!! (add clawing motion)

It really was hilarious.

Then two guys came over which prompted 2 different conversations. I give them to you now...
Conversation 1
Mexican guy: What do your shirts say?
Me: Bridesmaid
Mexican: Oh wow! That's cool. (Looking at all of the bridesmaids) Bridesmaid! Bridesmaid! Bridesmaid! (Now looking at Krista who is wearing a veil and a sash that reads "bride to be") Is it your birthday today?!?!

Conversation 2
Pink shirt guy: Richmond. Is that, like, the school y'all go to, or something?
Lu: It says "bridesmaid"
Pink shirt guy: Oh... haha. (Then he starts staring at the wall for several minutes)

After that we went to another bar where Ashton (the other bridesmaid) promptly got into a fight with some guy.

Then to bar #3 with some people Krista knows. Please keep in mind that it was about 1:30 at this time. Poor Lu had some guy trying to woo her all night long. And he was NASTY! I try to keep an open mind, but this guy needed a bath.
Nasty guy: Why aren't you dancing?
Lu: I just don't like to dance with strange men.
Nasty: You could just dance with me.
Lu: That's what I meant by the previous statement.
Nasty: Just dance. At the end of the night, I'll go to my house, and you'll go to yours. No worries.
Lu: Don't worry, I don't know where you'll end up but it won't be with me.
Nasty: How old are you?
Lu: 17. She (pointing to me) is the same. You might want to leave us alone if you don't want a record.

The next conversation occured at about 4 AM.

(Guy looking at Lu's red shirt with white writing)
Guy: Budweiser. Wow! Are you sponsored by them?
Lu: Can't you read? It says bridesmaid.
Guy: Too bad. That would be really cool if you were.

Finally about 5 AM we left the bars and headed back to the hotel room. Krista, Ashton, and friends were all sufficiently drunk. Lu and I were exhausted. I really dislike being around sloppy drunks, but I must say that Krista (who was not sloppy drunk, but drunk) is the most hilarious drunk person I have ever been around. And I've been around my fair share. I think the best moment of the night was when Krista decided to do an interpretive dance to the last song at the bar. If I had a better memory, or if it hadn't been 5AM, I would have had to include the entire conversation that we had on our way back to the hotel.

The morals of the story:
-Friends are friends, drunk or sober. You've got to love them even when you have to hold their hair back.
-I would have never gone to those places on my own, but I am thankful for the little bit of time that I had to hang out with Krista before she gets married. Even though it's not really my scene or crowd, she's my friend and I love her.
-If you have to stay in Mobile, the Riverview is a good place to stay.
-Fabaucher's is not a good bar to try to be inconspicuous in.

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