
Book Review

It has been a while since I've taken the time to read a book for no good reason. I'm in the middle of a few books that aren't related to classes, and while they are very beneficial to my life and learning, I wouldn't necessarily say they are "fun" to read. So, when I was home after my finals, I raided my mom's book stash and found "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert. I had heard a little buzz about this book, but didn't really have a clue what it was about. However, it did have Oprah's approval, and she has pretty good taste in books. I figured it was worth a shot...

The book is somewhat of an autobiography chronicling Gilbert's path of self-discovery. After a very bitter divorce, bouts with depression, and an unhealthy affair, she decides to take a year pursuing pleasure in Italy, prayer in India, and a mix of the two in Bali. Gilbert's writing style is the number one draw for this book, in my opinion. Her stories are good, but would be, well, lame if she wasn't such a good writer. However, the further I got into the book, the sadder I got.

The book starts with Gilbert hearing a voice from "God." I put that in quotations, because I'm certain that she is not referring to the one true God. Throughout the book she keeps hearing this voice, but recognizes it as herself... or rather, the god within herself. Her four months in India only serve to urge her in this line of thinking. I certainly don't know this woman, but it saddens me to think that she spends a whole year learning different chants, meditations, and learning from all kinds of "gurus" only to decide that she is her own god. The story is very inspiring, and Gilbert does end up a more stable person than she started, but after spending a year and thousands upon thousands of dollars, she misses God. She never comes to a knowledge of what she was searching for.

It saddens me that people like Elizabeth Gilbert are inspiration for the world today, but the majority of the press that the Gospel gets is Joel Osteen... not a great representative. Praise God that we serve a God that is mightier than any book, media, or even the seas.

Exodus 15:10-12 (English Standard Version)
10 You blew with your wind; the sea covered them;
they sank like lead in the mighty waters.
11 "Who is like you, O LORD, among the gods?
Who is like you, majestic in holiness,
awesome in glorious deeds, doing wonders?
12You stretched out your right hand;
the earth swallowed them.

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