
Muy Cansada

I've been way too busy lately.

After a weekend home, a weekend in DC, and a trip to Mobile and back (in less than 24 hours) this past weekend I have sufficiently worn myself out. These things have been so much fun though, so I can only complain about a few things :)

Spending the 4th in DC was pretty much amazing. I can't get over how much fun it was! We did a lot of walking and sightseeing, but it was so much fun just to hang out and laugh. I think it was the best group ever- and I would have never spent it with them if it weren't for Joel. Crazy.

On the 4th we stumbled upon a demonstration of sorts that I can't stop thinking about. At first, all we heard was something about pot. Maybe to legalize it? I'm not sure. Then, a Rage Against the Machine cover band took the stage and it turned into a huge anti-government scream-fest. Now, this part doesn't surprise me. It's something that I would expect from a crowd like that. The fact that it was happening on the 4th was a little upsetting, but freedom of speech is one of the great gifts of our country. They had every right to be there. However, what made me so upset was the passion in their voices and actions. It broke my heart to know that this, bashing the government and smoking pot, was their life. On that day, the most important thing in the world was to be heard. As a Christian, with a group of Christians, it was so evident that they've completely missed the point. All their energy was going into supporting an ungodly, fleeting worldview, and one day none of it will matter anymore. I desperately wanted them to know that there was more. That their political views wouldn't really matter because one day we will all die and either go to a very real heaven or a very real hell. And I want to be able to see them in heaven one day. I really REALLY want them to be there. As we left and walked along the Vietnam Memorial (I was also upset that the veterans working there had to hear the ruckus) I held back tears as I prayed and prayed for God to reveal himself to them. I hope that one day He will.

I wonder all the time what is in the works for America. What is God's plan for the seeming fall of morality all over the world? The only comforting thing about it is that one day it will be over, and he is using it to glorify himself.

This past Friday Lu and I went to Mobile for a bachelorette party. We definitely stuck out like sore thumbs at the bars they drug us to. I might post some of the conversations we had later...

1 comment:

  1. I can't stop thinking about that moment either. I think it was a glimpse of the power that Satan can have and the power of our flesh. I also held back tears at the Vietnam memorial.Its hard to think that the people out there supporting them were that passionate over something so mortal...Kinzie
