
Month 3

Dear Ada,

You are already three months old!  How did that happen so quickly?  Your daddy and I have enjoyed every minute with you this month.  Your little personality is coming out, and it is so much fun.  You're so laid back, and just a little shy.  You squeal and coo non-stop at home, but are hesitant to speak up when other people are around.  You smile at everything, and occasionally we get a chuckle out of you.  Little Ada, your daddy and I love you more and more each day.  We love this stage of your life, and we're looking forward to the ways you will amaze us in the future.  Thank you, little girl, for making us parents.  




Firsts:  You started going to the nursery at church this month.  You usually go right to sleep in the nursery swing, though you never do that at home.     

Milestones:  Rolling over!  However, it was only once, so we think it was a fluke.  Soon enough, little girl.  You've also started laughing a little bit.  You have the cutest laugh!   

Measurements:  I think you weigh about 12 pounds and are around 24 inches long.   

Favorite toys:  You still love the activity gym.  You also really like the cow and the plastic chain links that hang from it. 

Like Mommy:  You have Mommy's eyes, and your grandparents say your personality is a lot like mine as a baby.    

Like Daddy:  You have Daddy's mouth, for sure. 

Food:  You still love to nurse and eat 8-10 times a day.  You also eat 4-5 oz from a bottle several times a week.

Sleep:  We are thankful that you are a very good sleeper!  Nine+ hours at night and at least two, two hour+ naps a day.  

Challenges:  This may be embarrassing by the time you read this, but gas is your biggest problem right now.  Sometimes it takes a long time for you to go to sleep because your tummy is hurting.  

Our Days:  You wake up between 6:30-7 every morning and hang out with Daddy for a few minutes before he goes to work.  You're only awake for an hour or so before going down for your first nap.  Everything is up in the air after that.  Sometimes we run errands, sometimes we take walks, and sometimes we just hang out together at home.    

Favorite Events:  Party!  You helped us host a baby shower for your future friend (boyfriend?) Cooper.  Mommy and Daddy are very thankful for the Jones's friendship, and we're looking forward to watching you two grow up together.

Mommy's Favorite:  Your laugh.  It's the sweetest and funniest little sound.

Daddy's Favorite:  Cooing.  You grunt a lot (a whole lot!), but Daddy loves it when we get to hear your sweet voice.

Upcoming Events:  Na' and Papa are coming to visit this month!  We haven't seen them since you were born, and they're itching to cuddle with you. 


Hanging out with Daddy during the heat wave

Heat wave = diapers only

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