
Where to start?

Well, it certainly has been some time since I posted last, but recent changes in the Sasnett household has left me few excuses.  Yes, I am no longer a US Senate employee.  I am very, very thankful that I have the privilege to stay at home and spend the majority of my time serving my husband and working to make this house a home.

And now to give a house update.

We started with some demolition and painting... but we've only gotten a few of the rooms painted.  I just can't decide on colors for the rest of the house!

A little basement demo...

With help from Dan and the Joneses...

Got us to this.  I still hate going to the basement, but at least there are no more cabinets for monsters to hide in.  

While the boys were tearing things down, we started doing this...

Goodbye rainbow, hello neutral!  Can you tell I like gray?

We also replaced the carpet in the master bedroom.  I think it needed it, don't you?

We also had a problem with our washer and dryer.  Well, the washer was okay, but the dryer wouldn't turn off.  It was very hard to keep up with laundry when many days our schedules didn't allow us to be home (and awake) to watch several loads of laundry.  So, we replaced our old appliances with these new babies...

I've been pinning laundry rooms in hopes of finding inspiration for this area.  Hopefully I'll figure something out soon.  I need something to lure me down to that scary basement... at least for the time it takes to wash some clothes.  And that is exactly what I'm going to do now... until next time!  


Our new home

We've made the move!  This weekend some of our very, very kind friends sacrificed most of their Saturday to help us move to our new home.  There is absolutely no way we could have done that alone, and we'll definitely be paying them back with lots of backyard cookouts this summer :)  Before showing our projects, I thought you might like to see the new place.

  A driveway!  A yard!  We're definitely excited about those.  We're also anxious to start chopping down that forest that has started growing in our flower bed.  That large tree in front of the fireplace has a power strip embedded in it.  

This patio is bigger than our apartment in DC.  That's no joke.  
Living room
Dining room
Kitchen.  How do you like our wood paneled dishwasher?  

Obviously there are also bedrooms and bathrooms, but those will come later.  Until then...


Back to the happy

Nothing says, "I'm back to blogging," like my last post.  Sorry for the sadness. 

I'm still extremely sad about losing our baby, and this weekend's holiday doesn't necessarily make it any easier, but at least I have a distraction.

Joel and I bought a house! (cue applause)

We've taken the plunge and are moving to the 'burbs in just a few short weeks.  (Hence the bloggy name change)  Our new casa is definitely a fixer-upper, so I plan on blogging our changes along the way.  I don't have any acceptable pictures right now, but I'll be posting some soon to give all three of you an idea of what we're working with.  We'll definitely make some blunders along the way, but I'm very excited about transforming this house, Sasnett style.  We'll be learning quite a bit, fo sho. 


"This is what we call...

...an abnormal pregnancy," Dr. Masel said sadly.  Blighted ovum.  I knew it before she said it.  That's the problem with being an over-researcher.  Knowing way too much.

I was pregnant for 9 weeks and 4 days, though, technically, our baby stopped growing at 5 weeks.  We went to the doctor for the very first appointment on Thursday.  I was determined to hear the heartbeat or something, so I got Joel to come along as well.  I'm so thankful that he was there.  Thursday ended up being a very long day (in the hospital from 10:45-3... at least) with plenty of tests and too many tears.

I am now a mother, but I do not have a child in my arms.

I never really understood how that changes a person until now.