
Thanksgiving in Spain!

Most of my time here in Spain is spent with non-Americans. So, when we would lament our missing out on Thanksgiving last week, we were met with lots of questions. I ended up getting 2-count them 2!- Thanksgiving meals from these questions. The first one was with my small group at the church I'm attending here. Really it was a Thanksgiving celebration/going away party. Our friend Tim left us for sunny south Spain. He brought Christmas pudding to our Thanksgiving meal... silly Brit.

A portion of our delicious meal!

The guest of honor and I. We're awkward.

This is Heather. We met through our blogs AND she helped us get engaged. She's alright I guess... JUST KIDDING!!! I'm not sure why this is sideways. Blogger usually flips it for you.

The whole group. My camera was the last one, and everyone was tired of taking pictures. You can't see everyone's face.

Then the next night, Porscia and I cooked a feast for my roommates and a few other people. Also, it was Chenell's birthday, so we celebrated that too.

It's not the best picture, but it shows everyone. L-R: Marina, Me, Chenell, Porschia, Jonathan, Hunter, Chris, Anna

This is part of our feast. Porschia made the meats, chicken and beef tenderloin. I made the sides, homemade mac & cheese, broccoli and cauliflower salad, dressing, and caramelized sweet potatoes. And Chenell made rice.

Porschia and I really tried to find normal cake mix so that we could make cupcakes for Chenell, but all we found was flan mix... GROSS! We ended up buying an ice cream cake from Consum (my grocery store of choice). Then she kept trying to make a speech... 2 or 14 times. We had to make her stop because the candles were melting her cake.

It wasn't Thanksgiving with the family, but it was about as good as it could get. I really enjoyed not only sharing some of my culture with people, but I really enjoyed the time we spent together. I really do have a little family here :)


  1. Sounds like a lot of fun! I love the pics-sideways and all!:)

    thanks for your kind words on my blog- seriously- it am thankful others can see for you sometimes what you cannot see for yourself

  2. Caroline I love reading your blog....sounds like everything is just sooo much fun. I can't wait to begin our travels!!! I know you are getting anxious though to see your mom and fiance!!! Enjoy the last couple of days and soak it up!!! See you soon!
