
Caroline and Jonathan in Granada

In October (I think) my friend Jonathan and I decided to make a trip to Granada. We had heard it is beautiful, and you can get free tapas pretty much any bar you visit. Sold!

Oh, and to show that I learned something while there, Granada was the last city Isabel and Ferdinand captured from the Moors. They are buried here instead of in Madrid like so many other rulers.

These aren't tapas that you get in Barcelona. Barcelona is not a real tapas city. These are real tapas. Of substantial portions. And no let's-see-who-can-make-the-most-creative-but-smallest-tapas-in-the-world either.

So, being the ambitious world travelers that we are, hopped on our 5 AM flight. Oh, and the airport is an hour away. Oh, and we didn't sleep the night before because we had to hop on a greyhound at 3 AM anyway. Anyway... we finally made it. The first thing we did was take a nap. Actually, I napped and read and Jonathan slipped into a coma. After our room was ready and we freshened up a bit, we went in search of some tapas.

After walking around a bit without seeing anything appetizing we just decided that we would go into the next place we came upon. And did we ever stumble across a place. We walked in and took a seat. Jonathan went to the bar to get some drinks and came back with the weirdest look on his face.
Me: Trouble ordering?
Him: I think this is a gay bar.
Me: What? No, maybe there are just some gay people here.
Him: I saw rainbow flags, and look at the wall behind you.

I turned around and there was an entire wall covered in pictures and articles promoting homosexuality. Then we started noticing all of the people in there. Definitely a gay bar. We just laughed at ourselves and finished our drinks, but it was an interesting experience to say the least. And we didn't get tapas. After that we went to another place to eat, and it was good.

Then we ventured to the cathedral. I actually can't remember the name of it. I'm having a hard time remembering details to most of this trip (should have written this earlier). This is the most beautiful cathedral I have ever seen in my life. It's HUGE and amazing. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves. They were tuning the organ though, and that was a little annoying. Jonathan and I sat in here for about 2 hours just talking about life and religion. Good times.

The next day our big stop was La Alhambra. This was a city built by the Moors when they occupied Spain. Washington Irving "re-discovered" it in 1829 and made it famous again. You could literally spend 6 hours here and never see all of it. Insane! We only spent about 4... we were getting hungry :).

That night, we met with a friend of Jonathan's and some of her friends for dinner and a flamenco show. Flamenco is really from this region of Spain, so it was cool to see it really performed.

Then I had to fly back the next morning. Sorry for the lack of pictures and enthusiasm. I took almost 400 pictures on this trip, and it's really hard to sift through them all. And I'm kind of forgetting all of the details :(


To see more pictures click here.

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