
Time is running out...

62. My countdown widget says that's how many days I have until I pack up all of my belongings in Barcelona and head back to the States.

Until then I'm going to try to see as much as possible.

In Barcelona (yet to be planned): FC Barcelona game, Tibidabo, as many museums as possible, La Pedrera, El Poble Espanyol (again)...

Outside of Barcelona (mostly planned): Madrid, Granada, Prague, Venice... and I would like to make it back to Switzerland before I leave. I may have one or two more free weekends... any suggestions?


  1. enjoy the time you have left! what a great adventure

  2. Ooh! I want to go see FC Barcelona too! Wanna go together? Or get a group to go?

  3. Vienna, duh. I can actually make sure you meet up with a few folks that are there right now!! they can show you around and make sure they take you to the Christmas market at the Rathaus.
