
Snot, Vanity, and a big CONGRATS!!!

Hello friends! I hope everything is going well with all of you. I know we're all mourning Saturday's loss, but you're not dealing with a fair-weather fan here. Yes, I'm quite disappointed (after all, it was just Vandy), but I'm no less loyal.

First, I'm just going to cut to the chase: I'm sick again. Luckily, this isn't the same kind of sick. So far it just seems like a head cold, and I think I'll be fine in a few days. This next bit of information is a little gross. I don't want to gross you out, but I kind of do. Skip a few sentences if you wish. I had projectile snot today when I sneezed. I don't remember that ever happening to me. Spit, yes, but not snot. Usually, I only get sick when the seasons change from Winter to Spring (and that's just sinus problems), but it seems like I've been sick the entire time I've been in Barcelona. Luckily, the girl at the pharmacy next door (literally) speaks English and was able to give me some meds that I still haven't taken. Let's hope this one doesn't lead to a 9:30 PM, 70 euro, retired navy doctor visit. So far I think my self-made remedy of ice cream, lots of tea, orange juice, water, and soup is working. Emphasis on the ice cream and tea. But not together. That's gross.

Second, you may or may not know, but I like to keep up with the celebrity gossip. I can't find an English People here, so I've been visiting the website almost every day (if you didn't know Brangelina and kids are in New York for the first time as a family since Knox and Viv were born). And it kills me that I'm not getting all of the articles. I LOVE People magazine and look forward to every week's issue. Typically I read the news and then forget about it until something jogs my memory. However, there's one story that's been bothering me for several weeks. I'm SO aggravated with Eva Longoria's comment, "I'm not pregnant, I'm just fat." First of all, there's nothing fat about Eva Longoria. Apparently she's gained some weight for her role on Desperate Housewives, but I don't hesitate to say that she's probably still a size 0! Those things do bother me, but the thing that bothers me the most is that so many young girls are reading/hearing that comment. Those same young girls are comparing themselves to her and believing the lies that Hollywood tells. I'm definitely not immune to these lies, but I do try to guard my thoughts and not believe them. I'm not too far removed from the pre-teen/teenage years, and I have definitely struggled with my image. There have been more days than not that I would not link my identity to Christ. There were many days (and still are) that I completely disregarded that favored passage, Psalm 139. I think that it is even harder for young girls to find their identity in Christ than it was a few years ago. I'm amazed at what the media bombards young teenage girls with. I hope that I not only dedicate myself to praying for these girls more, but that I would be open with and an example for the young girls I encounter in my life.

Third... well, the third actually has two parts. #3, part 1 is: Only a few more weeks for Shane and Brenna! This isn't new news necessarily, but they FINALLY updated their blog. Shane and Brenna, I am excited for this new phase in your life. I think you two will do an excellent job!

#3, part 2: CONGRATULATIONS TO ADAM AND LESLIE!!!! My friends Adam and Leslie were engaged Friday, and I'm so SO excited for them! I truly believe the Lord has brought these two together and that they will serve the Kingdom well as one.

1 comment:

  1. Well..you aren't missing too much in People. Lately its just been on the Presidential candidates and other sightings of celebs. However, I TOTALLY agree with you about Longoria's statement...we actually had a girl in our community group say the exact same thing in a room full or girls. I said "I'm not pregnant, just fat"...just to get a laugh but still WHO CARES...so what EVA, you finally have cellulite...welcome to planet earth!!!!
