
Reason #4

Why I love Jon and Kate Gosselin #4:

They expose their children to life. I mean, did you watch Monday night's episode? It wouldn't have mattered if they had one babysitter for each child, flying 8 children from Pennsylvania to Utah for a ski trip is hard! Some parents in their situation would decide that it would just be easier to keep them home, in a familiar location, with a set schedule, for the sake of everyone's sanity. Jon and Kate see the importance of trying their best to let all 8 children experience life like it would have been if there had only been, say, 3 kids. That's pretty brave and incredible... not to mention, it takes an abundance of patience. My parents used every opportunity they had to expose me to other cultures and areas, and I wouldn't trade those experiences for the world. It helped me see so far beyond the Chatom bubble. The Gosselin's life is pretty brave and incredible... not to mention, it takes an abundance of patience that I can only wish to have when I become a mother... Lord willing. :)

1 comment:

  1. Kinzie loves her some Jon and Kate +8. She can't get enough of that show. They are really amazing parents. They tell their kids to go to timeout and immediately the go sit on the mat. The kids that come into the gift shop usually scream if they can't get some stupid plastic nothing and their parents reward them with whatever they want plus some. I had this one kid the other day screaming in the floor right in the front and drooled all over the floor and his mom still got him everything he wanted. sickening. I wonder what is going to happen to this world whenever these kids and our generation grow up some. just my 2¢
