
More creativity please...

Why aren't Christians more creative?

This question was raised on a blog that I read occasionally, and I've been wondering about this since I read that post. It seems that Christian media, entertainment, etc. takes its cues straight from popular culture. I think the intent is to be "relevant," but the result is nothing less than cheesy. We serve the creator of creativity and this is what we come up with:

or this:

or my personal favorite, the musical stylings of Apologetix (Sorry, Joel, I know you like them):

However I did find this t-shirt:

I know that our purpose in life isn't to reach some special level of creativity, and I am certainly not trying to say that all Christians lack creativity. David Crowder is an excellent example of a creative Christian. And all of these mentioned things have their place and have served many people, I'm sure. I just wonder if we, as a whole, are resting on pop culture so much that we aren't using all that we have been given. Questions? Comments? Insults?

1 comment:

  1. That apologetix video was AWESOME! By the way, I've been busting out the Celtic Wonder CD I have and it's making me want to buy some Celtic style Praise music.

    Anyways, for the most part, I agree with you. The world is not impressed, although I really like Apologetix. By the way, do you think I should send in that parody I made to them, the one of the Toby Keith song?
