
Month 1

(My plan is to do monthly blog posts for the first year and have a book printed for Ada's first birthday... we'll see if that actually happens :))

Dear Ada,

This first month has flown by, but it feels like we've known you forever.  This month has brought more joy than your dad or I ever thought possible.  The moment you arrived, our family was forever changed.  We're so thankful for God's good gift of a daughter, and we hope that we care for you like the good gift that you are.    

Firsts:  Everything!  You've had your first bottle, first bath, attended church for the first time... you've only been here a month, little one, but you've done a lot!   

Milestones: Technically, you're sleeping through the night.  We got your first 5 hour stretch at two weeks, and it has returned in the past week.  Keep it up, Ada!

Measurements:  At your last appointment (2 weeks old) you were 21 in. long and weighed 7 lbs. 9 oz.  We were happy to see you get back to your birth weight, plus some!  You love to eat, so I'm very interested to see how much you have grown at your next doctor's appointment.  

Favorite Toys:  Toys aren't really too exciting for you right now, but you do enjoy a good book (especially Hello Aubie!).

Like Mommy: Once you decide go to sleep you're a great sleeper!  According to Na and Poppa, your temperament is the same as mine was as a baby.

Like Daddy: The most adorable dimples ever.

Food:  You nurse... a lot.  We're letting you set your eating schedule, so number of meals and time nursing varies.  You did try your first bottle with a little bit of success.  You've since had 2 more and are getting better and better!

Sleep:  Excellent!  You usually nap for 2-3 hours, and a typical night is a 5 hour stretch, eat, then another 2-3 hours, eat, then another hour or so.  Whoever decided that 5 hours = sleeping through the night clearly wasn't spending all day and night with a newborn... Mama needs some more sleep!  

Challenges:  Fighting naps.  Sometimes your first nap of the day doesn't start until noon or later, which means you're awake in the mornings for much longer than you should be.

Our Days:  You still determine our daily schedule at this point.  Slowly, but surely, we're seeing you work out your own natural schedule, but you're still doing a lot of eating, sleeping, and pooping.

Favorite Events:  You went to your first Memorial Day cookout hosted by Mr. George and Mrs. Becky.  You slept through most of it, but it was very fun! 

Mommy's Favorite:  Sleepy smiles!  You smile so much when you're sleeping, which means we get to see those dimples.  I also love watching you wake up.  You stretch so much and make the best faces.  If your faces at one month are indicative of your personality, you may be a tad dramatic.  

Daddy's Favorite:  Watching you sleep and your big blue eyes right after you eat.  You're so alert right after you eat!

Upcoming Events:  Our June schedule is pretty clear.  The only thing we have planned is your next doctor's appointment on the 12th. 


Less than 24 hours old

Bathing beauty

Miracle Blanket... I love you.

She's sleeping well when the hands make it over her head.

First bottle... and not too sure about it.

Fell asleep while trying out the Ergo infant insert.

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