
4 weeks to go...


You would think that with as many advances in medicine as society has made, that someone would be able to more accurately predict when a baby will decide to make his or her appearance.  Tomorrow will start the one month countdown until Baby Sasnett's due date.  But, here I sit in my suburban home with a tiny set of feet digging in my ribs, and I'm trying to decide whether or not my sudden urge to do laundry is the nesting instinct or the realization that I won't have clean clothes to wear should we end up in the hospital tonight.  This could seem like the same thing to some people.  Not so, friends.  If I knew this baby would take her sweet time and not arrive until May 16 (the doctors won't let me go past that without induction), I would most certainly put off that load of laundry.

What's new?

I'm going to try my hand at blogging again.  Why?  Well, we live in DC and our families and many friends live everywhere but DC.  Oh, and we're expecting our first child in a month.  A little girl.  Yes, our house is slowly turning pink.  No, we haven't chosen a name for her yet.

Let's be honest, this thing is probably going to turn into the Baby Sasnett show really soon.  And you're going to love it.