
Life since Spain...

#1: This is mostly so I can look back and remember the last couple of months. It probably won't be entertaining.

#2: I already know that it will be horribly written.

I've been meaning to write this post for a while, but have only now taken the time to do so. Granted, it's 11 PM and I should be doing homework, so this should probably be classified as "procrastination tool." I've officially been home almost 2 months, but it has seemed so much longer!

I think I've gotten to the point that I can look back on Spain with fondness. It's not that I didn't enjoy my time there, but it was difficult. I have such a busy/fun life here in the States and many friends and family. I was harder to be away from them than I thought it would be. The last 4 weeks were really hard! It was not fun to watch my new fiance hop back on a plane to the States. I was definitely ready to be home after that! However, in the past week or so, I've been thinking back to specific days or trips with much fondness. I keep retracing my walk to school, the walk to the peanut butter aisle in El Corte Ingles, the walk down La Rambla... as much as possible. I can tell I'm losing the vividness of some of those sights. I know I have to get back there one day.

After I flew home, I was of course bombarded with, "How was Spain?" I really appreciate everyone's interest in the trip, but how to you answer that in the 3 sentences or less that they will listen to? "Um, it was different but good." "I enjoyed it." Those can't adequately describe the emotions and experiences that I had there. I don't really know if I had the wonderful experience I thought I would. It was fun and I would definitely recommend it to anyone (just not through KEI), but I don't think people want to hear, "It was alright."

Christmas break was excellent. I got to spend much needed time with my family, friends, as well as with Joel and his family. I think I was a little awkward around everyone at first, but it doesn't take long to relax when you are home. However, that doesn't mean that I wasn't busy. I came home and immediately launched into Christmas mode. After that made a trip to B'ham and brought Joel back to Chatom with me. We then spent a wonderful New Year's Eve with Kinzie, Adam, Virginia, Sarah, Shane, Brenna, and the star of the night, Savannah, before the Sasnetts came down for the weekend. Then it was back to Auburn to start a new semester!

Now I know why most people don't take 18 hours in a semester. It's hard! I am guaranteed at least 2 tests and an essay every week until May. On top of that I'm taking an 8 hr/week LSAT prep course. On top of that I'm also trying to plan a wedding. My anxiety issues have already started to kick in. I know they're getting bad when I wake up anxious. Worry/anxiety is something that is a huge struggle for me. It's a sin that I constantly battle. If you think about it, I could definitely use a prayer or two.

I'm really tired and I have no clue what to write about next. So, I'm going to go to bed. Maybe you should suggest a topic for me, and I'll use it for my next post.


  1. You inspired me to FINALLY finish the post I've been writing for two months... Sounds like you're keeping busy, but I'm glad you're enjoying your time back home so much.

    I know how you feel about not knowing how to respond to the question, "How was Spain?" When I came home from my study abroad program last year, I had a really tough time answering that question. I often chose the word "interesting" to describe it, but over time my opinion of the experience warmed a bit.

    I don't think I've been in touch since you told me that you'd set a date. congratulations! October is an awesome time for a wedding. Hope all is well!

  2. Hey there :).

    Lately some of my US friends have been telling me that I'll have to tell them all about Spain when I get back. And I've been wondering how exactly I will answer them... I don't think you can answer that question without sitting down and conversing for a good number of hours :p.

    I can also definitely relate to your whole worry/anxiety thing. That's something I constantly struggle with here in Spain too... I came here to study but at the same time I want to explore and discover the city! I am constantly overwhelmed by things I have to do and things I want to do. And then when I play too much, I fall behind on work and when I work too much I feel deprived of rest. So worry and anxiety often kicks in. It's an ongoing cycle but I try to remember to take things one step at a time and to remember that God is always with me! It's funny how technology has enabled us to do everything faster these days and yet we always feel like we are racing against time...

    Anyway, it's nice to catch up with your blog every now and then :). I will keep you in my prayers!


  3. I think it's cool you are honest about Spain. When people ask "How is ...?" the only acceptable answer is goooood. We throw around that question so much that you can never be honest. I find that if you ask it twice you start to get somewhere: how are you? no, how ARE you?

    I've had a couple of updates on how busy you've been from Joel. Good luck with all of that. Persevere!
