
This time I'm really leaving.

Tonight is my last night in Alabama until December 19! The process to make this study abroad trip happen took so long, and it seems like we've been planning for years. I wondered if the day would ever come, but it's only a few minutes away. I can't write a long post (international travelers need their rest), but I just wanted to mention again a few matters for prayer.

1. My new roomies- I'll be living with these people for almost 4 months. Please pray that we would build friendships and become like a family while we're in Spain. At least for a while, each other is all we'll have!

2. A church- I've been in contact with some missionaries that live in Barcelona, and they have started a church outside the city. I'm supposed to meet with them once I get settled in. They say that there aren't many good evangelical churches in Barcelona to start with, much less English-speaking ones. While it would be awesome to find a good English-speaking church, I'm thinking that I might be attending a church with services in Catalan. Basically that means I'll be learning very quickly, or I'll just be talking to a lot of people after services to figure out what was going on. I say it's a win-win situation no matter what! Finding a church (and hopefully friends there) is very important to me, so please pray for that.

3. Homesickness- Today Lu called and I cried. I'm already getting really sad about leaving my family and friends here. It's weird because I'm usually not one to get homesick unless I am physically sick. I know I'll gain so much by being in Spain, but I just wish I could take everyone with me! I know that this is what I'm supposed to be doing, and I'm praying that I will be reminded that lasting peace/comfort/etc. can only be given by the Lord.

I hope all is well with everyone. The next post really will be from Barcelona!

P.S. Please leave me comments to help out with #3 a little. :)

1 comment:

  1. I'll be writing Parkway a snail mail letter soon, and I thought to myself about the different sections, thinking to myself: and my message for Caroline will be, what? Then I remembered that you were in Spain, hehe. El Senor te bendiga, y te guarde, mi hermana.
