
I'm not a good blogger :(

It's been almost exactly two weeks since I wrote anything on here. Maybe it's because I'm too private... nope, not a problem of mine. Maybe it's because I've been too busy... again, not a problem of mine. Maybe it's because I'm just a slacker... um, I'll go with that one. Feel free to skip this post, for I am sure it won't be that entertaining.

Joel came down last weekend. It was pretty amazing to see him again. It was also proof that I worry about things for no reason. We went to the game on Saturday, but I got bored (imagine that) and hungry and wanted to leave. I am not upset about missing that blow-out, for sure. The rest of the time was pretty typical. Dinner. More football at Whitney's. Church. However, I must say this, I have an incredible boyfriend, and the weekend reminded me so much of how blessed I am.

This past weekend was the annual Parkway Baptist College Beach Retreat. It was fun, but it also made me see how I've changed over the past year. Maybe that's something for a different post. I'm happy to say that Kinzie, Adam, Adam, and Virginia got to come along. It was good to see them again. I'm sad to say that I didn't really participate in many activities. I got sick and chose my bed over the beach. Now several people are sick, and I'm afraid that it's because of me. I hate it when that happens.

In other news, I have officially decided that I really like The Office. It makes me laugh... a lot.

So, now I'm laying in bed trying my best not to swallow. I'm pretty sure my throat bursts into flames every time that I do. Feel free to send flowers or green tea.


  1. I'm glad there's another convert to The Office. It's been scientifically proven it's the funniest show on tv.

  2. So sign me up for loving the office too! Dang it...like i need another tv show to be addicted to. Oh well, Im glad that you like your boyfriend so much. It was good to see you at the beach as well...wish we had more time together!!
