
How we diaper.

Before we even decided to grow our family, I decided that I wanted to try cloth diapering with our babies.  Not only is it easier on our wallet, but it's better for baby's bottom, better for the environment, and fluffy booties are just too cute!  I remember discussing cloth diapering with someone while I was in college (why?  I don't know!), and proclaiming that I would NEVER even consider it.  However, I changed my tune once I realized that we're no longer dealing with the cloth diapers of yore.

It's quite amazing how advanced diapers are these days.  I love researching things, and I got repeatedly overwhelmed when I started researching cloth diapering.  Not only are there tons of brands and types of diapers to choose from, it seems that there are a thousand different ways to go about washing/drying/stripping/etc.  It all seemed so complicated!  

Enter Green Mountain Diapers.  This website is amazing.  Not only do they carry an amazing selection of diapers, they have fantastic customer service and a website chock full of diapering info.  All of a sudden cloth diapering seemed a little bit more accessible.  Now I'm a believer.  I LOVE cloth diapering, and in the next few posts I'm going to give a little more insight into how we make cloth work for us.

One of the first times Ada wore cloth.