
Faux Pas Peeves

I think that college students may be the worst dressed people in the world. Really. I include myself in this. I think it just makes sense that if I'm going to just sit in a classroom for several hours, I should be comfortable. But being in Auburn this summer has opened my eyes to a few styles that I would rather not see.. which brings me to faux pas numero 1.

#1. Why is it necessary to wear pajamas to class? I, along with 98% of college students, have woken up late for a class. In these cases, if the class is before 10 it might, might, be acceptable to wear what you woke up in. But after that, it's not acceptable. Because I registered late, my first class doesn't start until 1:15. You might be surprised at the number of people I see walking around in their flannels. 1 PM! Seriously! What have you been doing all day? And in flannel?! It's WAY too hot at 1:00 to be wearing that. Which brings me to point #2.

#2. I DON'T want to see your butt-crack! Trust me, I know it's hot. I know the humidity is suffocating. I understand the desire to cool yourself off. However, I don't understand why you feel the need to dress like a skank. Please, for the sake of our eyes and our stomachs keep your goods contained to the shower. Or at least to the pool. And now to something that doesn't make you cool...

(Actually I couldn't think of a good connection between #2 and #3...)

#3. Guys (and girls for that matter), it's really not cool to bleach your hair. I know it's summer and you want that sun-kissed look, but when you would disappear in front of a white wall you especially don't need bright yellow hair. It kind of reminds me of eggs...sunny side up. Today I saw a young lad who had fallen to the lies of this trend. He actually had a cap in his hand, but opted to carry it in order to strut his stuff with his new 'do. And I knew it was recent because his hair was a little dry and there was a distinct absence of anything natural. I don't think Auburn had seen that much pale + yellow since the real Slim Shady stood up.

Friends, it's really not that difficult. Please remember that you really don't dress just for yourself... which might result in you being mentioned in this blog.

I really like House Hunters.

I really don't have much to share, but I feel like I neglect the blog too much. I'm taking classes in Auburn this summer, and they don't start until 1:15. Needless to say, my mornings are pretty lazy. I should run or something, but today I'm going to do this. I just finished 2 episodes of Jon & Kate plus 8 (LOVE), and now House Hunters is on... hence the title. I really like House Hunters, because I'm nosy and like to analyze people's decisions. But it's not really being nosy if they agree to hunt for a house on national television, is it? It's a bachelor today. He must be 35, and he's just moving out of his parent's house. Friends, there are only two ways for this one to go... really good or really bad.

Lu, Hannah, and I took our first road trip. Our parents (at least Lu's and mine) have always been too paranoid to let us do this before. Maybe our 21st year is the magical year of freedom for us. We drove to DC because 1) it was the cheapest option and 2) I'm ALWAYS trying to find an excuse to go to DC... I wonder why :) We spent our first stop with first time home owners, the Harvells. They graciously let us use a room in their sweet new condo. The next day we made it to DC, and I must say that I HATE driving in heavy traffic. We didn't even get there during really busy time, but I was so nervous. We had to turn off the radio, and I instructed Hannah and Lu not to talk anymore. It was serious. We spent the weekend doing touristy stuff, being goofy, and playing guitar hero. AND I got to use my new camera a lot. Se amo mucho. And, as usual, the highlight was spending Sunday morning at CHBC. I really love going there during my visits.

Joel and I were very lucky this month, because we got to spend Memorial Day weekend together too! We stayed in Orange Beach with my family, and I must say it was an excellent weekend. The overall consensus is that everyone had a perfect weekend. It's true. I asked.

Now I'm going to leave you with a picture from the trip.

P.S. I'm glad that David Cook won American Idol.